We hope you will find answers to all your questions here. If you have any problems, we are here to help!
If you are not sure which product will be right for you, please contact us - we will be happy to help. A short interview will help us determine which solution is best for you.
In principle, we have no requirements. All we need to do is prepare a suitable amount of office space in which to stand our Spoty booth.
The space is determined by the Spoty cubicle model and it is worth remembering that the minimum height of the room should be around 2.5 metres.
We don't recommend locating cabins in a sunny place. We recommend air-conditioned rooms. The air quality in the booth depends on the air quality in the surrounding area.
Yes, it is possible to adjust the door to opens to the right or left side.
The averaged external noise reduction value is 29 dB.
This is the result we obtained after conducting acoustic tests.
acoustic tests. This value, provides a comfortable working environment and allows for privacy during conversations.
The fans we use in our products have a capacity
up to a maximum of 140m3/h per fan. For example, if there are
cabin is equipped with 4 fans, the air exchange is
up to 560m3/h. It is possible to adjust the ventilation level
(additional personalisation).
Our products are powered by plugging into a standard wall outlet. Lights and fans are operated by a motion sensor.
The light intensity can be adjusted (additional personalisation).
Of course, however, there is an additional fee option.
Do you have an unusual idea for furnishing your cabin? Great! We are not afraid of challenges. Present it to us and we will try to meet your expectations.
Each booth has a set of 230V + USB outlets, an active silent ventilation system along with LED-type lighting and a table. The exception is the Work Spot model, which can be equipped with a desk with an electrically adjustable tabletop height.
If the order has already gone into production, it may not be possible to modify the cabin. In this situation, please contact our sales department as soon as possible.
The standard production time is between four and six weeks. In the event of more products are ordered, or in the case of unusual cabin configurations, this time may be extended.
The cost of transport and installation depends on the location and the number of installation days (which are based on the number of cabins ordered). At the quotation stage, let us know the destination address and we will include this cost in the quotation provided.
Yes, we process orders throughout Europe.
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+48 601 776 790
+48 603 500 993